Category Archives: Macro

Happy New Year 2014!!!


2013 has become again, a very hard year for a lot of people.

There was a big number wishing it to end, and looking forward to see starting a new one… The New Year is here!!!!

Now we can go ahead and start it with hope.

I wish that the hopes of the new year will help us facing the issues with new eyes, strength and courage.

Happy New Year 2014 to everybody!!

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New additions to the “Macro” gallery

Just a short post to tell you that I have added some new photos to the “Macro” Gallery.

I wish you like them.


Have a nice summer!

Also posted in [:ca]Notícies[:es]Noticias[:en]News[:], Galleries

New Gallery: Macro

Dear all!

From now on you can visit the new gallery “Macro” where you’ll find a selection of photografies taken using these techniques, that will grow with new photos in the future.


Till now, all the galeries where of the places I have been visiting, and apart from them there were those photos taken near home. It has more sense to join them into a theme gallery. For this reason, the old “Galleries” secction is now divided in two, named “Places” and “Themes“.

I hope I can add new galleries and photos to this new section, quite soon.

I wish you like them and I am looking forward to your comments.

Also posted in [:ca]Notícies[:es]Noticias[:en]News[:], Galleries Tagged , , , , , , |