Category Archives: [:ca]Notícies[:es]Noticias[:en]News[:]

New Gallery: Norway

From now on, you can visit the new gallery: Norway

As I already explained in a previous post, the main objective of this travel was to see and to take photos of the Northern Lights, but we also had time to do other photos and to enjoy the nature.

As it was not too cold (despite of the 20ºC temperature difference with Barcelona, we were most of the time few degrees over 0) we explored the area by ourselves. During the day we drove around searching for prospect places to take the photos, to came back later, at night) . This allowed us to capture the Norwegian Autunm colors and a reindeer group.

Weather conditions were a bit stronger at night (specially on the last days when we reached a few degrees under zero), but they never were extreme: the humidity of the coast or around the lakes and the wind make us feel it was cooler by some degrees, but we were able to stay under those conditions due to the winter clothes we weared.

I recommend, to those that could do it, to go to see the auroras… they are impressive! See how they move and how the fill in the sky, one or more light arches 180º wide, from one side to the other side… it is spectacular, and above all, it’s quite difficult to explain in words.

In the meantime, you can have a look at the selection you’ll find at the Norwegian gallery. I wish you like it.

See you soon!

Also posted in [:ca]Noruega[:es]Noruega[:en]Norway[:], Galleries Tagged , , , |

Norway… Comming soon!

Last October I went to Norway, to the Tromso area, with the objective of seing and taking photos of the Northern Lights.

The Northern Lights welcomed us while we were arriving, at the plane. Amazing!!!! Unfortunately, the sky soon was covered by clouds and continued this way on the following 3 nights. We tried to avoid the clouds, or play with them to do some photos of our main objective.

Rain also accompanied us, but we were lucky to see some reindeers eating grass and drinking water from a lake. The Autumn colors filled in the landscape.

The second half of the week was more productive, with nicer Nothern Lights and with a clearer sky. Then the issue was the lighting pollution that exists close to the coast and some gaming clouds.

The Norway Gallery will be soon available.

In the meantime, please, enjoy the photos that I have included in the initial gallery (home page) and the ones within this text.

See you soon!

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New Gallery: U.S.A.

On July this year I have visited some of the Natural Parks of USA at the estates of Arizona, Utah and California: Grand Canyon, Horshoe Bend, Antelope Canyon, Monument Valley, Arches NP, Brice Canyon NP…

The main goal was to take landscape photographs but on the last 2 days we did a short trip to Monterrey and San Simeón areas (California) to take some fauna photos: seals, sea lions, sea otters and elephant seals.

I have enjoyed the experience and the landscape so much, and I wish you can notice this fact at the photos of the new gallery: U.S.A., that you can visit from now on.

I hope you like them.

Many thanks to all of you that spend some moments looking at my photos.

See you soon!

Also posted in [:ca]Estats Units[:es]Estados Unidos[:en]U.S.A.[:], Galleries Tagged , , , |

New Gallery: Bolivia

From now on, you can visit the gallery about Bolivia.

In Bolivia we visited from one hand the Altiplano area (Uyuni Salt Lake and the Eduardo Avaroa Natural Reserve) and from the other the Madidi rainforest. Two really oposite climates.

The Uyuni Salt Lake is the biggest salt lake of the world. As a curiosity, it is used to calibrate the satellits.

Within the Uyuni Salt Lake there is the Incahuasi Island… a ground island in the middle of a no-end sea of salt. Milenary giant cactus cover this island, in contrast with the sorounding landscape.

The Eduardo Avaroa Natural Reserve is full of lakes of different colors… it is curious the colors they have due to the minerals found there. We can found 3 different flamingo species in these lakes (3 out of the 6 that exist worldwide): James’s Flamingo (Phoenicoparrus jamesi), Andean Flamingo (Phoenicoparrus andinus) and Chilean Flamingo (Phoenicopterus chilensis). The nicer and most common ones when we were there were the first ones I mentioned.

In this small area of the world we can also find some samples of volcanic activity: Ollagüe vulcan, Licancabur vulcan and “Sol de Mañana”, a boiling muds area, similar to those I saw in Islandia, among others.

Madidi is totally different. The rainforest is full of life, but it is quite difficult to see it and even much more difficult to take photos of the animals. The woods high and the amount of vegetation are the main reasons. The mammals are scare and run away from the humans (till few years ago, humans hunt them, and nowadays there are still some furtive hunters). At night it is easier to see the small animals: frogs, spyders… specially with the help of a good guide if he knows the sounds of the animals.

I hope you enjoy this photo selection.

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New Gallery: Pantanal

From now on you can visit the new gallery about the Pantanal, in Brasil.

Unfortunately we suffered a cold season, longer and stronger than usual for those lands and nearly all animals dissapeared for some days. What should be full of life… was nearly died! Finally the sun came back and the situation changed.

I hope you like this photo selection.

Also posted in Brasil, Galleries, Pantanal Tagged , , , |

New Gallery: Tanzania

From now on you can have a look to the images of the new “Tanzania” Gallery.

Those that know me well, you know that at Tanzania my index finger went crazy and that I shooted too much photos… so it was a hard job to select some of them.

It was so hard to classify the species shown in this gallery. The mammals and birds books / guides we had contained only the English and the Scientiphic version of the names, so I had to surf the net to look for the Catalan and the Spanish versions. Unfortunately I haven’t found all of them… a few are missing (so if you know any of the the missing ones… I’ll be so grateful if you tell me those). I enjoy classifying what I photograph and, as I am just a begginer, it’s a kind of personal goal I have fixed myself.

I also would like to explain you how difficult it is to take photos with hight temperatures. We were able to see the heat coming up from the floor so often. In these situations, the auto-focus did not work and trying to manually focus using our eyes was also difficult because the heat also lied our sight.

All these photographs were taken between September – October 2009, during the dry season. As you’ll see, the landscapes and the colours are so different from the previous galleries (Iceland, Slovenia and Donna Nook). In this case, the golden dried grass is the main character in most of the photos, however the green also appears from time to time.

I hope you enjoy them!


Also posted in [:ca]Tanzània[:es]Tanzania[:en]Tanzania[:], Àfrica, Galleries Tagged , , , |



First of all I would like to thank you for accessing my website. I hope you feel comfortable here and that you come back again to spend some time here from time to time.

The main objective of this website is to share with you (relatives, friends, unknow people…) my photographs, without forcing anyone to see them. All we know how boring can be a long show of photos taken by a friend or a relative…

This website will allow you to look at them as many times as you want, for the time you want…

I have prepared 3 galleries to start. They contain some photos from my first steps in the nature and travel photography:

–       Iceland (2007)

–       Slovenia (2008)

–       Donna Nook (2008 & 2009).

I wish you like them,

Best regards,


Also posted in [:ca]Eslovènia[:es]Eslovenia[:en]Slovenia[:], [:ca]Islàndia[:es]Islandia[:en]Iceland[:], Donna Nook, Galleries