From now on, you can visit the gallery about Bolivia.
In Bolivia we visited from one hand the Altiplano area (Uyuni Salt Lake and the Eduardo Avaroa Natural Reserve) and from the other the Madidi rainforest. Two really oposite climates.
The Uyuni Salt Lake is the biggest salt lake of the world. As a curiosity, it is used to calibrate the satellits.
Within the Uyuni Salt Lake there is the Incahuasi Island… a ground island in the middle of a no-end sea of salt. Milenary giant cactus cover this island, in contrast with the sorounding landscape.
The Eduardo Avaroa Natural Reserve is full of lakes of different colors… it is curious the colors they have due to the minerals found there. We can found 3 different flamingo species in these lakes (3 out of the 6 that exist worldwide): James’s Flamingo (Phoenicoparrus jamesi), Andean Flamingo (Phoenicoparrus andinus) and Chilean Flamingo (Phoenicopterus chilensis). The nicer and most common ones when we were there were the first ones I mentioned.
In this small area of the world we can also find some samples of volcanic activity: Ollagüe vulcan, Licancabur vulcan and “Sol de Mañana”, a boiling muds area, similar to those I saw in Islandia, among others.
Madidi is totally different. The rainforest is full of life, but it is quite difficult to see it and even much more difficult to take photos of the animals. The woods high and the amount of vegetation are the main reasons. The mammals are scare and run away from the humans (till few years ago, humans hunt them, and nowadays there are still some furtive hunters). At night it is easier to see the small animals: frogs, spyders… specially with the help of a good guide if he knows the sounds of the animals.
I hope you enjoy this photo selection.