It took me longer of what I thought, but finally I finished the Madagascar photo selection, so you can have a look at them at the new Gallery.
Mainly, you’ll find a small part of the big biodiversity we were able to see and photograph, and few landscape photos, like this one, from Avenue des Baobabs:
The travel was amazing and I would like to come back before what they still have dissapears. I leave the contact for our guide: Olivier, at the Links section, in case you want to travel there.
Do not forget to leave your comments, they are welcome.
See you soon!
Congrats per les fotos, són fantàstiques!
Tinc especial predilecció per la foto de la granota (nº15) amb aquests ulls de colors tan ben enfocats. Els Camaleons m’han impressionat, sobretot els de les fotos nº 20, 21 i 23, m’encanten aquests animals. I els geckos també, la nº 82 entre les fulles del terra m’agrada especialment.
Un viatge sensacional!