New Gallery: Norway

From now on, you can visit the new gallery: Norway

As I already explained in a previous post, the main objective of this travel was to see and to take photos of the Northern Lights, but we also had time to do other photos and to enjoy the nature.

As it was not too cold (despite of the 20ºC temperature difference with Barcelona, we were most of the time few degrees over 0) we explored the area by ourselves. During the day we drove around searching for prospect places to take the photos, to came back later, at night) . This allowed us to capture the Norwegian Autunm colors and a reindeer group.

Weather conditions were a bit stronger at night (specially on the last days when we reached a few degrees under zero), but they never were extreme: the humidity of the coast or around the lakes and the wind make us feel it was cooler by some degrees, but we were able to stay under those conditions due to the winter clothes we weared.

I recommend, to those that could do it, to go to see the auroras… they are impressive! See how they move and how the fill in the sky, one or more light arches 180º wide, from one side to the other side… it is spectacular, and above all, it’s quite difficult to explain in words.

In the meantime, you can have a look at the selection you’ll find at the Norwegian gallery. I wish you like it.

See you soon!

This entry was posted in [:ca]Noruega[:es]Noruega[:en]Norway[:], [:ca]Notícies[:es]Noticias[:en]News[:], Galleries and tagged , , , .


  1. Toño Friday November 30th, 2012 at 12:05 AM #


  2. cris Sunday December 30th, 2012 at 07:47 PM #

    Espectaculares !! Que envidia el poder visitar lugares tan bonitos y captar esas imágenes para los demás …

  3. ric@rd Sunday December 30th, 2012 at 08:28 PM #

    bona nit Esther,
    estic absolutament d’acord amb tu
    tinc la esperança que malgrat els qui s’entesten en fer que augmenti la desesperança de tants i tants, tan sol per engrossir les pròpies arques, toqui aviat la seva fi, i la vida en aquest planeta sigui una mica més fàcil
    bon any 2013, esperant que els darrers dígits facin honor a la seva càrrega positiva

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