Photo history: Icelandic horses in the way to Landmannalaugar

This section wants to be a new one at my blog, where I will explain you the history behind a single photo: where I take it and the circumstances around it.

In order to start this section… why not doing it with one of my first photos: Icelandic horses in the way to Landmannalaugar.

1/320 s, f/4,5; ISO 100, 70 mm

If you have a look at the “about me” section, you’ll see that I just started taking nature photos when I took this photo, in July 2007. My first photographic trip was a photographic “workshop” in Iceland, with Iñaki Relanzón, few months after I bought my first digital reflex camera and after doing a weekend course to learn the photographic basics at “Aiguamolls de l’Emporda”, with Iñaki.

We had arrived to Iceland few days before and we were in our way to Landmannalaugar. We had done some stops on that day to take landscape photos and, in one of these stops we were in a narrow place, taking photos. Then a 4WD arrived and stoped, and the people in this vehicle told us to move out of there, because in few minutes a more than 100 horses’ sheep, that they were moving from one place to another, would arrive and, as that place was a narrow one, this could be dangerous for us… Iñaki made us go, and we, resigned, did. We get on the vans and continue our way.

We reached a wide valley and, suddently, Iñaki stopped the van and gave us few instructions to take the horses photos: not to move from the van side as this could be dangerous and… something else that I do not remember now. In few minutes we started seing the horses and my heart started to bit as never… the adrenaline run thru my veins and all my body trembled with the excitement.

As if we were at the American Far-West some (Icelandic) horse riders drived the sheep: some in front, some in the middle and some more at the end. They came troting… fast. When they arrived to the van, the sheep split and some horses went ahead in front of us (so close!) and some more behind the van.

They were 3 intense minutes, between the first and the last photo.

An unforgettable experience!!!

If you’d like that I include in this section a certain photo, do not hesitate to let me know by writting a comment at this blog entry or by using the form.

See you soon!

This entry was posted in [:ca]Islàndia[:es]Islandia[:en]Iceland[:], [:ca]Notícies[:es]Noticias[:en]News[:], Photo History, Making off and tagged , , .


  1. Oriol Monday February 11th, 2013 at 04:12 PM #

    Una bona fotografia i bona historia. Felicitats per la nova secció a la teva web!

  2. Karin Faber Thursday February 14th, 2013 at 09:17 PM #

    Esther, te felicito por tu web. Veo que has viajado bastante desde que fuimos a Islandia en 2007. Me hace gracia que cuentes cómo hicista la foto de los caballos y no lo que pasó luego con ella…
    Un abrazo,

  3. Ric@rd Friday April 19th, 2013 at 11:46 AM #

    crec recordar que fa temps, l’Iñaki em va explicar alguna cosa…
    a veure si ens ho expliques tu

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