Tag Archives: UK

New Gallery: Birds

Dear all,

After thinking a lot about it, I have finished the photo selection for a new theme gallery and it is the time to show it to you: it’s the “Birds” gallery.

At the “Birds” gallery you’ll find some photos taken during short travels or one-day trips, which are not included into the galleries dedicated to the “places”.

Some of them have been included in previous posts, so you maybe remember them, however most of them weren’t published till now.

The photos from this gallery were taken at the following places:

  • Andújar: when I go there to try to see the Iberian Lynx I take the opportunity to photograph the little birds that visit the bird feeder that a local photographer has. I really thank him for his kindness and hard work.


  • Parc Natural del Delta del Llobregat: close to the Barcelona airport, I go there from time to time, to do a quick trip on the morning or on the afternoon. It’s amazing being able to enjoy this little “oasis” at few minutes from home (by car).



  • Extremadura: a one-week tryp around the region. The photos where taken at the Monfragüe National Park, the Barruecos and the Sierra de San Pedro (the last ones taken from one of the Photo Raptor’s hides).


  • Farne Islands, Seahouses and St. Abbs Head: another one-week tryp, this time a bit further, to the UK.


You can leave your comments into the form below.

Many thanks for taking the time to have a look at them. I wish you enjoy them.

See you soon!


Posted in [:ca]Notícies[:es]Noticias[:en]News[:], Aus, Extremadura, Galleries, Regne Unit Also tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |